Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who are the Righteous ? What is Righteousness ?

"Righteousness is not turning your faces towards the east or the west. Righteous are those who believe in God, the Last Day, the Angels, the Scripture, and the Prophets, and the Give the money cheerfully, to the relative, the orphans, the needy, the traveling alien, the beggars, and to Free the Slaves, and they observe the contact prayer and give the obligatory Charity, and they keep their word whenever they make a promise, and they steadfastly persevere in the face of persecution hardship and war. These are the truthful, these are the righteous" 2:177

1 comment:

  1. The rightous are in great number across the world in all nations.

    One day they shall unit and that day peace will finally reach mankind (as a whole)


Peace be unto you. Sallam Alaykum